NHS Eye Examinations

If you are eligible for free NHS eye care you can have a full eye examination with one of our optometrists for FREE.

In our practices where it is available you will also have a free photograph of the back of the eye (free retinal photography).

You may also ask for our Advanced Eyecare (OCT etc) for an additional charge.

Call in or telephone us to book an appointment and try our brand of family eye care from your local optometrist.

If you’re aged between 16 and 70 it is normally recommended that you have your sight tested every two years. You may need to have your eyes tested more often if there is a clinical reason for doing so.

Are You Eligible for NHS?

Are you 15 or under?

If you get Universal Credit you are no longer entitled to automatic help with your eye examination and/or spectacles unless you are eligible under one of the other conditions above. If you think you should be getting help, you need to fill in a HC1 form which is available from the post office and normally from our practices. You can also download it by clicking here. Please do this a few weeks before your eye examination is due as it takes time to process. If you get "full help" you will get a HC2 certificate. You may receive a HC3 certificate which says the amount that you are to contribute yourself towards the normal voucher that the NHS would provide to you. Please ask for more information as the HC3 form can be confusing.

Partial Help

If you are named on a valid HC3 certificate you might get some help towards the cost of a private sight test.

NHS NIPEARS/Emergency Eyecare Service

Northern Ireland Primary Eyecare Assessment and Referral Scheme

What is NI PEARS?

Northern Ireland Primary Eyecare Assessment and Referral Service (NI PEARS) is a service provided by most optometry practices across Northern Ireland for patients who develop a sudden eye problem.

The NI PEARS service is for patients who develop a sudden eye condition such as:

  • Red eye(s)

  • Pain and/or discomfort in the eyes, or around the eye area

  • Sudden reduction in vision in one or both eyes

  • Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes

  • Suspected foreign body in the eye

If you are unsure whether your symptoms qualify you for an NI PEARS examination please call your nearest practice to be triaged.

If you are making an appointment to see your GP or consulting your community pharmacist about your eye problem, you may be advised to attend your optometrist for an NI PEARS assessment.

Appointments are available during normal working hours and you should be seen within 48 hours.

You must be registered with a GP in Northern Ireland and bring your Health and Care number which is on your medical card.

What happens at an NI PEARS assessment?

The optometrist will discuss your eye problem including the symptoms you may have, any history of eye problems and related medical history. You will be given a thorough eye assessment to enable the optometrist to investigate your condition. The optometrist will explain your condition and may:

  • Give advice and treatment if required.

  • Refer you to your GP if your eye condition is related to your general health.

  • Refer you directly to the hospital eye service if the condition is more serious.

If your condition is minor and not sight threatening the optometrist should be able to manage it in their practice. They may recommend an eye medication and will either direct you to your pharmacist to purchase the medication or give you a form to take to your GP to have a prescription issued.

The optometrist may also recommend a follow up appointment.

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